Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Finance

April 21, 2022

The cat is out of the bag when it comes to a public awareness that the markets are rigged. We know the 1% control the movement of money across the world and we know it's a one sided game where they win everytime.

This ruling appears to say to me that when those responsible for the rigged markets lose at their own game, they get to change the rules and say you lose again to retail investors?

Imagine the impact that will have on the US economy and the mentality of retail investors across the world. This game doesn't work without players...

The SEC, as I understand it, is there to ensure fair trading standards. How can this be the ethos if you read not only this but SR-NSCC-2021-803? I vote no to this ruling and the aforementioned ruling from the UK, whether we have any influence on this side of the water.

You have individuals in the states being banged up for counterfeit coupons or dollar bills and then the SEC say the guys at the top are allowed to pinch billions of dollars?

Actions speak volumes. Maybe said actions will result in a greater loss ultimately.

Imagine a new wave of very wealthy retail investors. The rumours that'll spread, how they did it. How much more business will fly through the retail investment sector off the back of it.

These rulings tell me there's no long term thinking. Only a thought to stop a sinking ship. Not the entire fleet.