Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Michael Peterson

April 21, 2022

This rule would be a disgrace to anything remotely considered a free market. If I dont pay my bills on time and a loan becomes due, Im out on the street. Thats the free market. Thats how its supposed to work. From what Im reading, this would give bad actors carte blanche to never pay their bills. Also, why would any company ever go public in our capital markets if they could be shorted into oblivion, by self anointed gods picking winners and losers? This would be the death of capitalism. I strongly suggest against this course of action. The world is watching. Every generation has their turning. This inability to let go could destroy any chance of a future that America has. Synthetic layering has already arguably contributed more to inflation than the Federal reserve, with none of the oversight and checks that answering to Congress gives. These entities cannot be simultaneously the smartest in the room, while alway being bailed out for a series of bad decisions and bets. Fire sales are the consequences of a free market. They screwed up. They and anyone investing in them should pay the price. The market will recover, and Capital will be reallocated. It always does. How can the world feel safe investing in an America with less oversight than Communist China? This is just shameful.