Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Michael Bartlett

April 20, 2022

This proposed rule is an absolute disgrace to anyone and everyone who has ever purchased a security in our markets, as well as to the United States of America as a whole. The NSCC is seeking to have the SEC endorse their criminal activities under the illusion of fairness and transparency when their intentions are nothing short of keeping the wealth in the hands of those that currently hold it.

It sickens me to see these creatures propose such blatant exploitation methods over and over and over, just waiting for the day one of us (RETAIL INVESTORS) is not vigilant enough. The saddest part to me though, is the fact that we even have to remain vigilant in PROTECTING OUR RIGHTS AS INVESTORS WHEN THAT IS THE JOB OF THE SEC

I would ask that you DO YOUR JOB by denying this and any other rule changes they propose to further promote their systemic corruption. They are a CANCER ON SOCIETY which must be cut out and never permitted to return - for what began as but a single cell long ago has now become the single greatest threat to all Americans.

I implore you to see this threat for what it is - a threat against every single retail investor. That there are rules for thee but not for me. Please start working for the American people again. Please do your job and stop this.