Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Evan Wen
Affiliation: Retail Investor

April 20, 2022

You've got to be kidding me. This is the undoing of the free markets. This is criminal and insane and whoever proposes these things is a criminal themselves.
You can't allow this endless printing of notional, \"I'm good for it's\" under a different name.
This is going to be nasty because it has to be nasty and the parties who will suffer NEED to suffer. If not, you willingly endorse a black market and ignore the rule of law, and the principle of protecting what's right. That's a bad example.
Obligations NEED to be met. THEY'RE OBLIGATIONS. TO allow this behavior to continue is to support blatant abuse of our markets by those who can afford it against those who cannot.
No matter what you call it, or why you propose it's necessary, it's nonsense. It doesn't protect retail AT ALL. It's against retail. It's specifically NOT HELPING RETAIL. Forcing lenders, brokers and their \"other customers\" to cover their obligations is paramount.