Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jorge Mora
Affiliation: Value investor

April 19, 2022

This rule does not reflect the interest of retail or the majority of the market.
Instead this rule is design to add more complexity to the markets, reduce transparency and allow big players in Wall Street, banks, hedgefunds, brokers and Market makers to hide and continue their own coloration of naked shorting among other predatory practices that are nothing more than a scam to steal from retail, public companies and the economy itself.
Rules need to move towards a fair and balanced stock market where no fails to deliver are allowed, where all the information is clear, transparent and NOT SELFREPORTED or having the very same banks and hedgefunds regulating themselves.
The amount of donations, corruption and bribes by the big financial institution names such a citadel and virtue that have installed people in the senate, Congress, DTCC and the sec itself to serve for their purpose is causing the whole economy to be in a massive systemic risk.
Everyday more and more people are aware of where the money printed by the fed is going (to Wall Street to be bet and washed), who is grabbing all tax payers money, the stock market being a tool to extract wealth from retail and companies to big Wall Street firms such citadel, virtu, Susquehanna, point 72 among other institutions that have been fined (for crimes with a slap on the wrist with small fines) for exploiting the system and stealing.
The world needs better markets, ones that work for everyone and not ones that serve less than the 1% and instead take advantage from everyone else, its not sustainable, fair or how suppose to work.
Please move in the right direction and stop taking advice and council from financial institutions and big banks. The scam is gonna blow and everyone is gonna move to another alternative of markets in the blockchain.

Change and adapt to be better or your whole scam is gonna explained and will destroy the reputation of the entire stock market