Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Karla Peters

April 9, 2021

As a spouse of a 21+ year Air Force Vet and 22year Air Force employee, I would like to believe that our country has a system of rules in place for everyone to follow. I also would like to believe that if those rules are not followed there are consequences for the offenders that matches the crime. For example if I bounce a check there is a fee my bank will charge me and if I don't pay that charge the bank will eventually send my file to collections who will continually make attempts to call me to collect. Meanwhile, I do not have access to my account but it really doesn't matter because there is no money in it. I cannot continue to write checks off the account if I don't want fees to continue to build. I am also ruining my credit. Until I pay for that bounced check my life is upside down and even after I pay it off I must rebuild my credit.

Other people like HF for instance don't have those same rules. They have been able to manipulate the Stock Market by over saturating it with phantom shares (bounce checks) which drives the price down in an effort to bankrupt a business. Currently I believe about 50 companies are being targeted. This is not the way. Many Americans are loosing jobs and are having to request some type of government aid. Meanwhile HF are collecting money tax free off of these \"bounce checks\" they wrote.

In 2008 the HF and banks damaged the economy so badly that the government had to assist them however people lost their homes. Some committed suicide. All these backdoor deals should not be the foundation of the American Economic System however it is. America has exposed herself to the world and all of her dirty little secrets are now laid out front and center. We are no longer the model of what a Country should be. Approving 801 would be a step in the direction of rehabilitation for America. It would show our humanity but it would also show the world that although we are not perfect we recognize our imperfections and have the courage to face them head on correct them and come out on the other side a better country.

After COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and the insurrection on the Capital we as Americans have been fighting for a while now and its becoming second nature. We will continue to fight for what is right and that is what we are doing with SR-NSCC-2021-801. Please show us that our Government-elected and appointed- will stand on the side of righteousness along with us.

Thank you,
Karla Peters