Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Cesar Arias
Affiliation: Private investor

April 9, 2021

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in support ofRule NSCC-2021-801. I would like to say that I graduated college with my Master's in 2008 as the entire system was collapsing around us. We were all told this was a once in a lifetime recession. Now, here we are, a mere 13 years later facing an even worse recession once the sht hits the fan.

The fact the SEC knows about all of the shenanigans and turns a blind eye so they can go on to get plush jobs with the same hedgefunds they're supposed to be policing is disgusting. The shame anyone working for the SEC has is not adequate. You have sat by while the richest Americans have stolen from the pensions of hard working Americans. The easily manipulate the market in ways few Americans know. There is no free market and the rest of the world sees it. The billionaires already make in a day what most of us work for all year. Their, and arguably your, greed is destroying America. These hedgefunds are destroying up and coming companies to drain them dry and it costs us our innovation and global competitiveness. Once these billionaires are done draining the US dry of its wealth, they'll just move on to the next country. They have been destroying our planet and hoarding the wealth so they're the only ones who won't suffer with climate change.

The bare minimum the SEC can do is to pass this Rule. However, Americans would prefer you do the jobs our taxes are paying you to do and prevent risking our entire financial system and the treasuries that back the US dollar so you can get your paydays when you join them in destroying our country.

Ignorance was bliss. Now, all I feel is betrayal by my countrymen. For once, do the right thing. At least when it causes everything to crash the retail investors will pay enough taxes to get us out of the hole you've allowed to be dug on your watch.

We deserve better than what you've done in service to America.