Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Erik Pilon

April 9, 2021

Reaching wealth is tough.

Every niche has its own obstacles and reasons on why that is. But what makes it unnecessarily hardbesides its work and dedicationis the persons image towards others.

Whether they are discouraged to follow suit because they are a man or woman, black/red/yellow/white/brown, bi-sexual or asexual, an underdog or a doctorate holder, or simply not representing a culture by expectation: These should be unnecessary obstacles for a person to reach their true goals.

I was ignorant to believe that the US Market gives a complete blank face to retail investors. I truly believed that the US stock market was the one place an investor would not be judged by others or discouraged to gain wealth.

The event that unfolded on January 2021 showed us that there is an entity that does not want The People to gain wealth. This was not done through fair capitalism, but by cheating and stealing in broad daylight in-front of millions of investors and non-investors, without repercussions.

This has shown me that not only will all of the obstacles mentioned above be an issue for my children as they try to reach success in the world, but that the wealthy will illegally create a glass ceiling to keep potential international and local investors away.

Will the law side for the new wealth with new ideas for the economy, or the old in comfort?