Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801

April 9, 2021

I am pleased that these matters are finally coming to light and that regulatory bodies are taking action to hold those that work the system to their advantage unfairly, to accountability for egregious, illicit, immoral, and hopefully soon illegal actions that have damaged individuals, families, businesses, communities, organizations, institutions, and in general, operatives within all walks of life fighting for sustainability in an environment in which the odds are increasingly stacked against them.

This has joined the ranks of the unfortunately, many, crimes against humanity. Commerce is an exchange or trade, in this arena, monetary capital, that must be bolstered by rules, guidelines, laws and for every rule that is hacked or simply determined not applicable to those with might, a fix, must be made, either more iron clad restrictions or simply clamping down on oversight to protect the fledgling entrepreneur, the growing businesses, the students who may take over as the next captains of industry, for which the legacy of what we know as wall street may not exist if those with too much continue to squeeze the life out of what was and could be again, a vital marketplace.

Leaving a legacy with an eye towards making a better world, where skill and expertise can bring profit that can spawn even more opportunity. To deal in a realm of greed and limitations is to contract a universe gone roque, that is already unsustainable. As a result, the SEC may be looking a very small shriveled pit, the fruit long ago ravaged by scavengers and pirates. The role of the SEC may also be reduced, as self / peer regulation goes to honor among thieves, not applicable here unless thievery is what is being honored.

When I was coming up, the party line about capitalism was about opportunity, ingenuity, reward and giving back to those who make the job of being human rewarding in ways money can't buy. There is a freedom in re-clarifying and an exuberance when bad actors are finally brought to justice. Please walk the walk to show the next generation that we care about them, about legacy, about our planet and about plentitude.

These can all co-exist if people are in the habit of transparency and taking the necessary hit for a high stakes gamble that unless fixed, will eventually lose and the piper must be paid. After a while, all the wins, all the money in the world, rings hollow - not unlike an addict needing more and more whatever substance gets him or her through the night, just to feel alive.

I urge you to pass this through and demonstrate to the world that this country values doing right. The business of doing business can be good, or at the very least - fair. Please vote yes to support the passing critical Rule NSCC-2021-801. Thank you.