Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Donovan
Affiliation: Retail Trader

April 9, 2021

As a retail investor who has watched the unprecedented market volatility this year with concern, this proposed rule is important to me. This high volatility and the media frenzy surrounding certain stocks makes me think that certain financial players may be significantly over-leveraged and a single failure or default could have a catastrophic domino effect on the market. I think this rule would do a lot to help prevent a systemic market event while also ensuring that financial leverage is not being abused through shady practices like rehypothecation and naked shorting. If I cant be sure that the US stock market is free and fair and holds those who cheat accountable, I certainly wont be able to trust it with my savings ever again, and neither will millions of investors across America and around the world. Please take these concerns into consideration.