Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: David Buckingham
Affiliation: Engineer, Retail Investor

April 9, 2021

I fully support SR-NSCC-2021-801 because bad \"makers\" in the market---who time and time again have taken advantage retail investors by performing illegal and manipulative maneuvers via loopholes in the regulation and a lack of restrictive oversight---would no longer be able to take advantage of an inexplicable lack of scrutiny to hide their illegal dealings, naked shorting, FTD shares, dark pool trades, ladder attacks, trading amongst themselves via \"affiliates\", etc. to artificially lower the price per share of stocks and businesses which they have an incentive to see fail.

Without such regulation, the illegal tactics listed above would continue, the SEC would continue to turn a blind eye to them, and retail investors and hard-working business owners/employees would be left to foot the bill evermore. The rich would continue getting rich while the poor became poorer.

With this regulation, the SEC would be forced to monitor these bad actors, and a cleansing light would be shined on the darkest corners of the market, giving a chance for the retail investors to earn the American Dream on a fair and balanced playing field.