Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Retail investor

April 9, 2021

The level of fraudulence within the market today has become normalized by a complete lack of real penalty for breaking rules and taking widespread economic risks.

If this rule allows stricter attention to be paid to the day to day workings of the institutions causing the market to operate entirely fraudulently and then stop it, then the rule _must_ be passed.

Commentary in the negative by the same players who stand to be negatively affected by the implementation of this rule due to pre-existing widespread fraudulent activity must be set aside and treated as worthless.

Institutions being able to leverage themselves to the hilt with no penalty for illegal and extremely high risk activity except a marginally higher operating cost as a result of penalty donations in exchange for a free pass must stop now.

Shorting companies to the point of bankruptcy to claim giant profits as a result of tax write offs from market manipulation must stop now.

Enact this rule, Enact the other rules, start holding the fraudsters to account.