Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Tudah Moon
Affiliation: Individual Investor

April 9, 2021

Hello Sir/Madam,

As an individual investor who has seen confidence in the US markets diminish considerably over the past few months following the shenanigans pulled by large hedge funds in the form of naked shorts, ladder attacks, massive FTDs, ETF shorting and other tricks that go way beyond the spirit of having a short position - just to drive legitimate companies to the ground, I strongly support passing SR-NSCC-2021-801 to encourage more transparency in the process and to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Hedge funds drive these companies (which incidentally create thousands of jobs in the USA) to the ground, just so they (the hedge funds) don't have to pay taxes on their significant gains achieved through naked shorting using irresponsible leverage, and via control of the messaging through their close ties to main stream media.

It is time the SEC stood up for the individual investors who have been facing injustice for decades, and against the large hedge funds. It may cost you a potentially cushy job in the future, but it will give you the satisfaction of having done the right thing to create change when you had the opportunity and the power.
