Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Tara Henne
Affiliation: Retail Investor CPA

April 9, 2021

To Whom It May Concern,

I appreciate this opportunity to be able to have a voice that I hope will be heard, along with all the other opinions submitted, during the consideration of NSCC 2021-801. I am a retail investor, a certified public accountant, and above all, I am an American. In my profession, I see alot of good and I also see alot of bad. Maybe I am naive to believe in our system, but I have always had faith that the regulating agencies would act with the American people in their best interest. However, I have recently had my eyes opened to the corruption that is allowed to occur in the US stock exchange and the blatant manipulation of the market by these giant hedge funds. It seems that the agencies that should be regulating this are burying their heads in the sand and hope it doesn't become a bigger issue that they will have answer for. For someone who has been taught to have so much faith in these agencies to protect the good and help to protect what has made America what it is today, this realization is devastating. I believe that NSCC 2021-801 is absolutely necessary in moving towards holding the hedge funds accountable for their actions. This is only the first step though. Those who fail to obey by the rule must also face severe consequences, instead of the slap on the wrists that they are currently receiving. Without passing this rule and upholding it, hundreds of thousands of retail investors, Americans, and people around the world will lose all faith and trust in our system. And without faith and trust, what does the world have?

Thank you.