Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Long Island, NY
Affiliation: Amazon Merchant

April 9, 2021

Hello, Im choosing to keep my name anonymous but I hope you will still read this and understand this is coming from a perspective of a 25 year old man. I have watched everything that has unfolded from the sidelines these past few months in regards to Gamestop. This short squeeze was something I originally had no understanding of. After following this for months I now fully understand what and why this happened. While you may know more of the exact severity of what occurred the American people see one thing. Unregulated greed is what people see, people understand that this is a cycle of greed the same one that tore this countries economy down in 2008. Please if not for anything else PASS this for the people. SR-NSCC-2021-801 Is a chance for us to make a change to the system that has proven time and time again it needs further adjustment in a ever changing world and the consequences of complacency.