Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Jami Frazier

April 9, 2021

To whom it may concern, I am 36 years old and have been trading for about 5 years alongside working full time in the technology space. The amount of clear manipulation that I have seen from hedge funds is staggering and they are not even trying to hide it. They are basically screwing middle and lower class America and the SEC is letting them get away with it. If we have rules in place but nobody enforcing them, or the punishment is far less than the potential upside of breaking those rules, then we will continue to see such activities. The US, now more than ever is on the brink of a fundamental shift in how we operate amongst one another, lets not give our populous yet another reason to be at each others throats, further pushing the divide and encouraging class warfare. Give the people back the ability to be confident in their government and regulatory entities.

I trust that you will vote for what is right, and continue working to level the playing field.

Best Regards,
Jami Frazier