Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Heather von Reuss
Affiliation: Power to the Players

April 9, 2021

There's an inexplicable lack of scrutiny of hedge funds and large institutions. They aren't playing by the same rules as retail investors. The system is unfair. The rules need to be equal for everyone.

Hedge funds must not be permitted to hide their dirty/illegal dealings, naked shorting, FTD shares, dark pool trades, ladder attacks, trading amongst themselves to artificially lower the price per share, etc. These trading mechanisms are unavailable to retail investors. They are being used to exploit retail, and to obfuscate transactions that shady hedge funds don't want regulators to see. Or, perhaps you regulators do see and simply ignore these illegal and unfair practices. Either way, unless every investor, large and small plays by the same rules then the system is rigged.

Transparency is key.

Disclosure is vital and disclosure MUST be timely.

Approve this rule.