Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Individual
Affiliation: Retail Investor

April 9, 2021

From a foreign investor's perspective, if the USA stock market is not a transparent and fair market for anyone that takes part in it, all retail investors will look for other markets to invest in.

While the DTCC has already made great strides toward larger visibility and accountability of its members, I believe this proposition is paramount to firmly protect our market from a few over-zealous institutions who have over-leveraged themselves and believe they are too big to fail.

Naked shorting and writing naked calls IS the next Synthetic CDO. We have the pieces needed to see members positions real time. Now we need to be able to act fast to make sure these quadrupled-down institutions are not able to continue to kick the can down the road. The markets, the DTCC, and retail investors like myself deserve a system of accountability to be implemented.

If you value your market, you should consider approving this as soon as possible.

Thank you.