Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Brenton Caldwell
Affiliation: Retail Investor

April 8, 2021

This amendment provides a step in the right direction to have better insight into the trading practices of large entities who have profound impacts on the markets which everyone, including Retail Investors, trade in.

It would provide more accountability for potentially risky trades which are being conducted, and this accountability could be enacted swiftly. This filing would help to assuage unnecessarily risky behavior in our markets and allow the NSCC to act before any risk becomes systemic (which we are currently seeing signs of).

No one wants another 2008 to occur and without the passage of a policy such as this one, our self governing agencies could be seen as deficient and potentially complicit in allowing risk to go unchecked.

I look forward to the passage of this amendment.