Subject: In favor of sr-nscc-2021-801
From: Aislinn Lewis

Apr. 09, 2021


To whom it may concern,  

SR-NSCC-2021-801 very well could be the solution necessary to straighten out and fix what appears to be a broken system. By enforcing the consistent transparency from so called "market makers" and ensuring the accuracy of what is being reported, I believe this will effectively patch a few loopholes that have been wildly taken advantage of in the past. I think this will also benefit the people by creating more professional level jobs, which is something my generation hasn't seen much of throughout our adult lives. Thus, further stimulating the economy through empowering the people and, hopefully, steering the US away from the precipice of what could be a steep tumble and swift disaster looming in our near future. I'd like to see a better adult life and lifestyle available to My children than what was made available to me. 

Thank you for all that you do! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to voice my opinion and allowing it to be heard! I request a unanimous yes! Keep up the good work! 

Aislinn Clem 
Independent Contractor/Gig Worker and Retail Investor