Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: N/A N/A

Apr. 09, 2021


801 is vital to the constancy of market trade as of current.
We are at a crossroads where your (the SECs) deliberation on 801 determines domestic and international good faith in the US Stock Market.
It goes without saying that because this rule has been initiated and you know what hangs in the balance that your interests would be bought off by special interests.
I sincerely hope that the SECs honest pursuit of constancy makes the deliberation easy for you and that the SEC looks upon the proposed legislation favorably as I do.
The hope is that this will help to promote a more free and fair market by enforcing fair liability on bad actors that treat your system with disdain.
Those that seek to exploit the system for personal gain at the expense of others should be reprimanded at least, even punished, and not rewarded.
How can the SEC reward those that cheat while also holding itself as the governing body of the US Stock Sxchange and market?
Surely, this is not a conflict of interest for you.
While more should be done, this regulation is a step in the right direction.
Do the right thing, vote in favor of 801
Victor Kim - RETAIL


V i c t o r   K i m 
Rational, Objective, Sincere