Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801 comments
From: Arya Valentino

Apr. 09, 2021



My name is Alexander and I am a longtime investor in the US markets. Unfortunately, a great deal of my faith and confidence in the markets has been eroded over time by malpractice from major financial institutions coupled with lack of enforcement.  

 This is what has compelled me to make a comment; SR-NSCC-2021-801 must be passed immediately to help mitigate these concerns not just in my personal case, but with all investors across the country. I am not the only one with negative sentiments on the current state of the market, and passing this new rule would help regulate and stabilize our market further, which would restore a great deal of confidence. Ultimately, passing SR-NSCC-2021-801 would result in positive change as investor confidence leads to more money being put in our markets and more economic growth being stimulated.  

Thank you very much for reading.  