Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Brittany Flemming

Apr. 09, 2021


As a retail investor I lack the tools and information that other market participants such as institutional investors, hedge funds, market makers and brokers have to the markets. This puts me at a disadvantage when making decisions my on investments.
The lack of transparency with no requirements to do so in what goes on in the markets with to things like OTM (dark pools), short shares, synthetic shares, failed-to-deliver reset/rollover, options, high frequency trading, and payment for order flow does not give me, as a retail traider, confidence that the market is monitored, protected and the rules enforced.
More transparency is needed to instill confidence to someone like myself. However, for lack of such requirements the proposals in SR-NSCC-2021-801 would be the next best solution to protecting the markets from systemic risk to all market participants and so I fully support this proposal.

-Brittany F 
(prefer to stay anonymous)