Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Chris Durand

Apr. 09, 2021


To Whom it may concern, 
I am a retail investor, both as an individual trader as well as via decades worth of contributions to my 401k. 
I am writing to state that, with respect to SR-NSCC-2021-801, I urge its swift passage, as well as other related rule filings that will drain the swamp that is engulfing our US market. 

The transparency and public trust of our US market has been eroded by insiders with access to information and procedures that retail has none of. 
Over time, greed has corrupted the ability of the insiders, who were initially entrusted with managing the daily operations of the trading infrastructure. 
Those insiders have been, for quite some time, leveraging their unfettered access to data and high speed trading systems to defraud the American People of trillions of dollars in the most callous and indifferent ways. 
The insiders caused the crash of 2008, and are on the brink of causing another one in 2021.  Anything the SEC can do to deescalate this situation is more than prudent. 
It would be a dereliction of duty to not pass this regulation, and others related to it, and hold the insiders accountable for the crimes they have perpetrated on the American People. 
The current Administration is watching these issues and is on the side of the People.  It is time to act boldly. 

It is time to end the hedge fund double-dealing shell game being played in the casino that operates as our US market. 

Naked shorting and blatantly abusing the FTD process has been illegal for some time now, and the cost of doing this is nothing more than a budgeted cost of doing business for those that participate in its practice. 
It is time to remove the ability to hide these transactions, impose massive fines for breaking the law, and prosecute those that order the activity to take place. 
The might of the regulatory and criminal enforcement bodies within the US financial sector should target those who are the leadership of the offending organizations, imprison them, seize their corporate and ill-gotten personal assets, and return said assets to the public. 

The first step to this is to pass SR-NSCC-2021-801 without hesitation.  I know I speak for many when I state that we like the stock but we cannot abide the criminal activity in the market any longer.  Thank you.