Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-801 Comment
From: Bellamy Mourne

Apr. 09, 2021


To whom it may concern, 

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping the market fair for all investors. As a retail investor myself, I feel safe knowing that signs of any and all forms of fraud/manipulation are closely monitored by the good people at the SEC. 

While to some extent I do agree on rules and regulations being created and passed such as recent NSCC -2021-004 and OCC-2021-801, I do not agree with the fast rate of changes being made. SR-NSCC-2021-801 in theory will allow for more transparency in the market at each EOD and prevent big market investors from taking high risk in a volitile environment. Yes, there is a chance of this having a positive effect, but the outcome from a sudden change to many of the biggest investors in our current market is mostly unpredictable. In a time full of uncertainty brought upon by the Covid-19 virus during the current attempt at an economic recovery unlike any other in over a decade, I can not see these changes being the most practical in helping our economy. 

This is my stance on the matter. While I am aware that I am probably in the minority of retail investors with a negative opinion on SR-NSCC-2021-801, I remain hopeful that my voice will be heard on this day. Thank you. 

With much respect, 

Bellamy Mourne