Subject: Rule 801
From: Sean-Michael Tisdall

Apr. 09, 2021


Good evening, I am in full support of this regulation. The people that seek to exploit the system for personal gain at the expense of other people should be punished, and not rewarded. 
The clear market manipulation in 2021 is enough to cause loss of faith in the US stock market on a grand scale in the age of information. We need to ensure the retail investor in America is protected from illegal naked short selling and the damage it does to the share price.  Todays computing power allows machines to trade rapidly between each other at fractions of a cent which causes an unnatural decline in demand affect to the stock. These tactics have been widely used the past 30 years and have caused many companies to go bankrupt. 
Rule 801 will provide the transparency needed to put a stop to this kind of manipulation. 
Thank you kindly, 
Sean-Michael Tisdall -- 

Sean-Michael Tisdall