Subject: Support for implementation of SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Rhys Allison

Apr. 09, 2021

Dear U.S Securities and Exchange Commission,

I fully support the implementation of NSCC-801 as this rule will greatly benefit the operation of the U.S Markets and will ensure good financial economic performance. This rule benefits all investors from individual retailers to larger hedgefunds and indirectly the citizens of the U.S.

This rule will improve trust within the markets and ensure that market manipulation and corruption is minimised and hopefully abolished.

My personal view, which I expect is shared by thousands of individuals, that there is blatant corruption and manipulation of the U.S markets which has been allowed to go on for too long. This corruption and manipulation was a large contributing factor in the 2008 financial crisis and if this rule is not implemented ASAP we will experience another crisis.

Trust in the U.S market is currently being lost and the implementation of this rule is a step in the right direction.

Many thanks,
Nosilla Syhr