Subject: Commentary RE : SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Aidan Keaney

Apr. 09, 2021

Dear Sir/Madame,

I am writing to you today from London, England regarding the proposed rule change : SR-NSCC-2021-801

I implore you to pass this rule with absolute urgency.

I am a UK based retail investor who also invests in the NYSE and over the past few months have been both shocked and appalled at the realisation of just how fraudulent the American market is.

Whilst I appreciate that fraudulent behaviour is possible within any market I also believe that we need bodies like yourselves in place to crack down on these behaviours when they do arise.

I believe that you are more than aware of this fraud and though you may have turned a blind eye to it in the past I think you should really reconsider your position as quite frankly the world is watching. Every single day millions of retail investors around the world in the UK, Europe, Africa and Asia sit and watch as flagrant fraudulent behaviours are allowed to continue costing not just US but global economies small fortunes. To allow this to continue is to allow the US to lose credibility as a global market.

In closing, I’d simply say that America was once an economic powerhouse and most certainly could be again however, that strength depends in large part on other countries perceptions of America and how it conducts its financial and business affairs. I hope you will do what is right and pass the above rule to bring back a sense of trust and equality and ultimately restore some faith in the US market.

Kind regards,

Aidan Keaney (Retail Investor)