Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Peter Burt

Apr. 09, 2021

Dear Sir / Madam, 

I am an individual retail investor and would like to express my support towards the new proposed rule, SR-NSCC-2021-801. To me this rule is a positive step towards accountability in the market place and is long overdue. I would like to see this rule passed and implemented immediately. 

Furthermore, I would like to see stronger penalties enacted for non-compliance and violation of this rule and similar ones already in place. For example, any fines issued should at least meet the revenue gained or damage caused from fraudulent activity. 

I have great respect for your organisation and what it represents and positive steps, such as passing this rule, will help enormously with public trust and the SEC's image & reputation. 

Thank you for your time & consideration in this matter. 


Peter Burt