Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-801
From: Chris 343

Apr. 09, 2021

I am a foreign investor, but this rule will have an international
impact, due to the wide-spread manipulation by certain hedge funds
(Melvin Capital, Citadel Securities, and many others). Please make the
right decision for the well-being of the market and for its legal

My perspective on NSCC-2021-801 is that it needs to be implemented
immediately. Currently, the integrity of the market is being eroded.

There needs to be greater transparency and accurate, up-to-date
information, updated daily regarding the positions taken by
Institutions, Hedge Funds, etc. Currently, there is broad speculation
about how much GME has been shorted, how many synthetic shares have
been sold, the murky transactions in Dark Pools, Failure To Deliver
information, etc.

This leaves the common man/ retail investor at an incredible
disadvantage and VERY VULNERABLE to the market manipulation of these
institutions. Please protect us. Please level the playing field.

Please IMMEDIATELY pass and ratify rule NSCC-2021-801 with unanimous consent.

And please immediately implement the use of this rule to accurately
identify the legitimate numbers regarding GME--specifically the number
of synthetic shares that have been sold, the real stats related to
naked shorting and the FTD numbers.

Currently it seems that there is enormous market manipulation and
deceitful and misleading conveyance of these numbers.

Please ALSO impose the harshest penalties for all manipulation or
obfuscation of reported data. Current penalties are a joke, as the
fines are utterly insignificant to these multi-billion/ multi-trillion
dollar institutions. In fact, these fines are such a joke that
institutions have flagrantly violated rules with full knowledge and
intention--knowing that it will cost them a pittance in fines compared
with the money they will make by violating the rules.

The SEC should immediately approve of and enable NSCC-2021-801, and
immediately implement this rule to bring begin restoring confidence in
the market for the retail investor.

Thank you for your time and please do everything necessary for keeping
every move that affects the stock market legal and holding every
institution accountable for any illegal actions.