Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: Anonymous

November 28, 2021

This rule change is yet another example of the 0.01% changing to rules to suit their needs in order to keep leeching money off the hardworking populace of America. Wages have remained stagnant while productivity has increased as the elites steal more money to line their pockets with, hoarding vast amounts of wealth for the pure sake of having it. This comment will probably do nothing because the people in power absolutely don't care what the little person has to say, but I don't care. I believe that inside every billionaire there is a little voice that reminds them of what an awful person they truly are, and no amount of money can make it go away when they lie awake at night, trying to sleep. As a legal taxpaying citizen of the United States of America, I formally cast my vote \"NO\" for this rule change to be enacted.