Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: Kenneth Griffin
Affiliation: I work somewhere

November 9, 2021

I feel strongly against this as this would truly be the downfall of my business. See I take money from hard working people and short companies out of existence (I.E. Blockbuster, Sears, RadioShack, Blackberry, Bed Bath and Beyond, AMC Theaters, GameStop just to name a few) in efforts to make profits for myself and my wealthy clients. If you pass this rule the 1% will no longer run this beautiful country built off the backs of hard working Americans to benefit us the wealthy and greedy. So please don't approve this rule as a thank you we will \"donate\" or give you a \"speaking fee\" for saying hello and introducing yourselves at one of our black tie events If you wait then I probably will be in prison soon so please for the love of my own ego don't do this. Thank you