Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: Hue Pham
Affiliation: Retail Investor

August 10, 2021

I am writing about the public comment for SR-NSC-2021-010. Please close any potential loopholes Hedge Fund Shorters can use to bypass their margin requirements or margin call all together. The SFT is a great idea to prevent overall market crash but should not have
For example
1:) A Hedge A needs more liquidity to meet margins so they could sponsor Hedge B and have the contract for the sPTs.
2) HF can NOT use SFT to \"kick the can\" or naked shorting/ FTDS further along
3) SFT can be used to prevent overall market crash due to HF selling their long positions but HF can NOT use SFT to increase their over leveraged securities.
4) Please also look at 65+% use of Dark Pools of particular stocks to show only selling pressure while buy orders are routed to Dark Pools
5) Short ladder attacks and High Speed Trades are not fair to retail investors.
Overall, there is plenty of evidence to suggest market manipulations by such HF as Citadel, Virtu and others. Please protect us retail and make them follow the rules.

Hue Pham