Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: John Nugent
Affiliation: Producer, Rochester International Jazz Festival

August 9, 2021

I write to you in good faith as an investor in the New York Stock Exchange. It is clear and apparant that payment for order flow and dark pool abuse by market makers is beyond reproach. The entire world knows this. The american financial markets are currenrly not entirely free, fair and balanced markets. The NYSE equity markets are heavily rigged against individual investors.
Naked Shorting, Synthetic share creation and extended delay on FTDs is rampant - so obvious in many ways. Please, on behalf of the integrity and future generations of investors in the New York Stock Exchange and American markets, please end payment for order flow and stop market makers from putting our markets on the edge of destruction. PFOF is illegal in Canada UK and other developed nations, it must end.
Thank you, JN