Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: M.G. N/A

Feb. 13, 2022

To whom it may concern, 

This proposed rule change is another example of how the ones violating the "rules" of the NSCC, the SEC and other "governing" bodies try to change the "rules" when it doesn't go in their favor.  If these firms are benefiting from said rules, they also need to pay when the same rules don't benefit them.  They cannot just change the rules when it doesn't benefit them.  Corruption is defined as, " dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power", and this is just another example of how those in power are trying to get away with defrauding investors.  I, like many retail investors have been keeping a close eye on the SEC, the NSCC, the DTC, the DTCC and we see the corruption that is already so rampant in the financial system that only benefit the ultra wealthy.  I hope Mr. Gensler has his heart in the right place and we hope he will be the one person that can end the corrupt system and make investing free and open to everyone, not just the ultra wealthy and powerful.  Thank you. 

