Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-10 Comments
From: The Real DMT

Nov. 28, 2021


I am beginning to truly believe that the SEC exists only as a monument to corruption. This proposed rule change is unfair and only benefits large institutions that have made bad investments at the expense of the retail investor and to the disgust of the citizens and investors who play by the rules.  

Retail investors and regular citizens have to face the full consequences of their bad decisions with no sympathy from banks or financial institutions, but these same institutions that have ruined the lives of so many with fraud and crime are allowed leeway and rules are changed and bent so they don't have to face the financial consequences of their actions and are historically allowed and encouraged by the sec to defraud investors globally.  

This is your last chance SEC. We the people are ready to swat you like a fly if you continue your overt protection of organized criminals at the expense of those you have sworn to protect. We are watching, and we are angry.