Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: Anonymous

Aug. 13, 2021

Hello, I am a retail investor in AMC and have noticed tremendous amount of manipulation with this stock. 

1) Hedge Funds should have to close out their FTD's by T+35, or be prevented from #NakedShorting as per Rule 204(b). Fines should be higher for non-compliance! 
2) Naked Shorting itself should not be permitted at all, it is illegal 
3) Dark Pool price suppression 65%+ trades routed to dark pool where we cannot see bid ask data and we do not know if trades are delayed, frontrun against etc. Large numbers of Form T trades appear in time and sales data premarket and afterhours each day likely many delayed orders.  
4) Short interest data does not appear accurate based on the numbers of shares sold short each day it should be in the billions by now (Ortex data is not accurate it does not seem based on our calculations of short interest). Retail investors need to know know how many shares are on loan and how many were shorted in real time. 
5) Short exempt trading below uptick should not be allowed 
6) ISO sweep trades across exchanges should not be allowed either this allows for price suppression from market makers. We want the price to move up naturally with buying pressure. There are 3-1 or even up to 7-1 buyers to sellers of AMC stock and the price should be going up. We want to pay the fair market price, the "ask". We don't want our trades delayed, and routed to fill for lower. And shorts to sell below uptick and Naked Short sell shares they don't have! 

Please let us know what is being done.  

Thank you,