Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: telomeres deez nuts
Affiliation: self-proclaimed thought connoisseur

February 13, 2022

NSCC members' existence is driven by leeching wealth from the real economy., harming real business and the personal wealth of individuals with calculated precision.

By definition, we can consider NSCC members as psychopaths.

If we can consider their financially violent actions as unlawful/immoral and we can consider money as a form of political power then by definition we can also consider the NSCC members as terrorists.

NSCC members' malicious actions create harmful waves throughout the global economy., to their sole benefit, connecting cause to effect is nearly impossible. When connections are made, a small donation to FINRA effectively absolves members of wrongdoing. The NSCC readily claims in this proposed rule change that the use of SFT's for settlement further obscures their actions.

Specifically, SFT's further enable naked short selling.

The justifications for short selling as well as the \"provide liquidity\" explanation do not make sense from the perspective of anyone else other than those benefiting from their existence and are clearly agenda-setting propaganda. Can you walk down a neighborhood and tell a potential home buyer the price of a home you do not own? Then get paid for doing so?

The liquidity justification, along with our entire settlement system, was created during a technological dark age as an emergency reaction to the stock market grinding to a halt due to bottlenecking of settlement. All of the justifications for the existence of market maker privileges (their existence today exclusively tilts the playing field in favor of an elite minority) are no longer present with currently inexpensive and readily available computational capacity. T+35? Really? We have the technological capacity for near instantaneous settlement throughout the entirety of the financial system.

Demand and supply determine value. In what world does it make sense for a non-transparent and ambiguous entity to flood the supply of a given commodity on demand without anyone tracking the extent of this synthetic supply except themselves? In what world is this proprietary information? In a world where said non-transparent and ambiguous entity is attempting to obscure their actions further while attempting to gaslight us into believing it is to our benefit.

As each day passes we are presented with the choice to either change this deliberately archaic and obtuse system that is enabling the destruction of our country and undermining the progression of the human race or to allow these psychopathic financial terrorists to entrench themselves further. If you truly believe it must be the later, is it because you have a seat on the titanic while the rest of us must stand?

As a concerned citizen, my question is why are we negotiating with terrorists?