Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-010
From: Anonymous

February 13, 2022

I am discouraged by this amendment. The hot topic at the moment is for more transparency fairness across the market from the small retail investors to the financial giants. Allowing short hedge-funds to have even MORE paths to get out from under their naked shorting of securities is a troubling submission.

If it is true that a fair transparent market is strived for, allowing this implementation works directly against that. Perhaps a better alternative is to tighten restrictions on the act of short-selling if it is believed it could cause a systemic event, even forcing a short position to be closed once it reaches a certain threshold. I will always side with the same rules applying to all, quit giving big firms a way out, let them answer for the bad bets they made by forcing them to cover and be liquidated if it comes to it.