Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-003
From: Jerry DeLeo
Affiliation: Pharmacist

May 7, 2021

Thank you for the opportunity to be heard. My general comment is that entities entering into an agreement which bears risk need to have liquidity to cover the risk in a worst case scenario. This applies to Individuals in the case of purchasing a house, car or any consumer item. It is beyond me to understand why it is not applicable to investment houses be it Citadel LLC or any other entity.

This does not even begin to address the moral hazard involved in shorting stocks of otherwise fully functioning corporations which employ thousands of people. That is a practice that needs to be limited to the ability of a shorting entity to fully replace the capital extracted from the company being shorted plus any gains in the market betting against the short side of the investment vehicle.

Please act on behalf of the American People not an irresponsible corporation.