Subject: Comments on SR-NSCC-2021-003
From: Duncan McGillivray

Apr. 20, 2022

As a retail investor, this rule is an atrocity to fair and just market and threatens the standing the US markets have on the world stage. This proposal gives unfair and unjust advantages to only sa select few market participants (market makers / hedge funds), while hurting millions of retail investors. 

If a hedge fund/market maker makes a bad bet, they should pay the price, just as retail investors have done since the markets existed. There should be no financial instrument available to 'get them out of trouble', to fix liquidity issues, to hide short bets, or get around paying back FTD's'. The solution is simple, pay up... regardless of the cost. If this means bankruptcy, so be it, this is how the system should function, this is how you instill trust in the markets. Anything less is an affront to retail investors and serious breach of trust in the markets. Enough is enough. Markets need to work for everyone, not just those at the top. 

Rule SR-NSCC-2021-003 should not be approved, under any circumstances. 

Concerned retail investor, 
