Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-003
From: Gregory Piro

Apr. 20, 2022

I fully oppose any proposed remedy that will, in the future or retroactively, make short-selling safer for hedge funds or investors in the name of "market stability". If anything, such a policy will only serve to further erode the investors' confidence in the legitimacy of the market, true price discovery, and fair market activity. 

To insulate only select parties from the consequences of malfeasance or poor judgement is a theft of opportunity from those who at the same time take a counter position of honesty and thrift. By allowing these allegedly equitable swaps to take the place of true settlement and closure, this policy will only encourage future abuse of the already fragile system. 

If this rule change is allowed to pass it will essentially be stealing tens of billions of dollars from investors. 

Greg Piro