Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-002
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Retain investor

May 7, 2021

Thank you for your time and to whom it may concern, I am a retail investor. I put money away for my retirement. I put money away for my future and my kids future and I put that money in the stock market. The blatant manipulation going on is appalling and quite unbecoming of our free market. Honestly with all the disgusting things Ive seen happening in the market I dont really trust that The SEC/NSCC has our best interest at heart. That being said I feel like this rule change would level the playing field and hold those who mess with our free market accountable. Level the playing field for retail investors. Give me a reason to have faith in the regulatory bodies that are supposed to be protecting my investment from this illegal activity. Do your job. Bring back my confidence in the government to not be completely inept and distanced from the people.