Subject: SR-NSCC-2021-002 -- submission of comments to the SEC
From: James Gibson

Jun. 21, 2021

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Even thought I have only been in the equities market day trading since august of 2020, I can easily research the facts and can’t understand by a regulatory body like the SEC doesn’t see what even a new retail pattern day trader can see. Either everyone in the SEC in inept or everyone in the SEC is complicit There are no two ways about it.
I also quote and second what a previous retail investor commented on this rule and he is 100% correct in his assertion:
“Implement this rule ASAP. It’s astonishing how corrupt and fraudulent our stock market is with institutions like Citadel operating concurrently as a Market Maker receiving order flow for securities with the ability to rout them through dark pool exchanges to conceal buying pressure and create synthetic shares for liquidity, and as a hedge fund taking indefinite short positions and abusing failure to deliver rules with those synthetic shares without any tax liability, oversight, accountability, or material consequences.