Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2021-002
From: N/A N/A

May. 07, 2021

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In regards to rule 2021-002, what in the world are you thinking delaying it? Are you trying to give the criminal short selling hedge funds more time to try and steal retail investors money, or drain the pensions and 401K funds of their investors. You and the DTCC know the shares of AMC are 3-4 oversold and you do absolutely nothing about it. You are risking pensions and 401k by delaying this by more than a month. You know there is blatant market corruption with hedge funds like Citadel and others and you delay rules and don’t enforce current rules. This is the most basic form of malfeseance ever perpetrated on the stock market! The entire world is watching the SEC, DTCC and others drag their feet while blatant corruption occurs. Please reconsider your decision to allow another month plus of corruption to occur.

