Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2024-010
From: Chad Linson

Stock splits have become a joke and any rule at this point is to little to late. Obviously hedge funds and the establishment of the established protect their profits and their positions rather than the companies the public investors and the consumers especially when the puts fail to cover but continue to drive stock prices down to protect large positions they can not or will not cover they rather double down quadruple down to protect their own by investments. The public won and they cheated once again knowing they cannot fail when holding portfolios of government employees and politicians that will side with them and bail them out with zero accountability and fines that are pennies compared to the gains made make breaking all the rules a normal standard of operation. Rules made only to enrich those making the rules. What we call insider trading and are subjected to punishment the establishment working in agencies and politicians call capitalism has been put on full display for the world to see that the game is rigged against the people. A disgusting display and a clear violation of the founding documents our the bill of rights.