Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2023-045
From: Kevin Thompson

I am writing to express my strong support for the approval of the pending Ethereum (ETH) Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) applications. I'm writing on behalf of myself, a consumer. I firmly believe that granting this approval is crucial for several reasons that directly benefit people like myself. Firstly, the approval of these ETFs will significantly ease tax compliance for participants. Currently, ETH holders like myself are required to manually track every trade, send, receive, transfer, and swap, which is cumbersome and convoluted. At great expense, I work hard to maintain accurate records with trusted service providers. I doubt the majority of other holders do the same. By holding this asset in an ETF wrapper, it would SIGNIFICANTLY increase tax compliance and make it easier for holders to report income/losses. ETH exists, it's being used, and it's very hard for holders to accurately report the activities on their tax returns. Secondly, the introduction of an ETH ETF would enhance transparency in this market. Currently, holders are required to DIY their custodian solutions. While Coinbase and exchanges like it make it simple to buy, sell, and hold crypto, the moment a consumer takes it off-exchange, the possibility for loss is very serious. The majority of consumers are not adept at managing private keys, which creates a very serious risk of loss. One false move and the assets are gone. With the SEC being interested in consumer protection, allowing participants to rely on trusted third-party custodians to secure and hold this asset is vital to protecting consumers. By providing a regulated and transparent investment vehicle, such as an ETF, investors can have greater peace of mind knowing that their investments are subject to rigorous oversight and compliance standards. Thirdly, approving these ETH ETF applications would make it easier for consumers like myself to incorporate these assets into our personal balance sheets. This accessibility would unlock new opportunities, such as using the ETF holding as collateral for loans or accessing credit opportunities typically reserved for more traditional assets. Fourth, when it comes to estate planning, most beneficiaries are seriously exposed to loss upon death. Unless the holder trains his/her beneficiaries on how to work with a hardware or software wallet, the assets will very likely be lost upon death. It's a personal concern of mine and it's an issue that I rarely see discussed. While there are some services out there that allow holders to designate beneficiaries, those services are relatively new and unknown. In an ETF wrapper, it would greatly protect the position of beneficiaries in the future. As to the SEC's concern about market manipulation associated with this asset, I want to urge the SEC that by approving the ETF, it would greatly enhance transparency and help bring much-needed stability to this nascent market. Absent an ETF approval, it would subject consumers to more risk, not less. If the ETF were not approved, ETH holders would be forced to continue securing this asset on their own, which as explained above is a less-than-ideal situation for a number of reasons. In conclusion, I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to approve these applications. It's very important to people like me that this asset be allowed on traditional financial rails so we can benefit from the rigorous compliance standards and security benefits associated with publicly traded ETFs Sincerely, Kevin Thompson