Subject: I support the clawback rule! (File Number SR-NASDAQ-2023-005)
From: Damon Mason

May. 19, 2023

Securities and Exchange Commission Official Comment File Number SR-NASDAQ-2023-005,
Securities Exchange Commission:
Many salutations!!! I am overjoyed that the proposal of clawing back golden parachute executive compensation has grown from being a topic of idle conversation to an actual policy practice. During my time here in San Antonio @ TX, I have been unjustly chased out of three apartments -- one of them twice; if I had the capability to claw back all of my relocation expenses from my ex-landlords, that would go a long way toward making me whole.
Even if my past landlord injustice is not the conversation at hand, the Security Exchange Commission is doing itself proud to seriously look at the claw-back of executive compensation because moral hazard is why we have a pandemic of white-collar crime here in the United States. A society where one group has absolute liberty while another has absolute responsibility is a hot civil war waiting to happen; the thing about wars is that NOBODY REALLY WINS . . . there are only degrees of losing for all involved parties.
In contrast, doing away with the moral hazard reward for white-collar crime is something where EVERYBODY WINS -- even the plutocrats because their expertise to accumulate wealth is only of value when they responsibly exercise their liberty. Going broke for the good of the country is the least the plutocrats should be doing for these hard times (which are completely man-made!); in the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, "Make it so!"
Damon Mason