Subject: SR-NASDAQ-2020-081

Jan. 4, 2021

The following Letter Type C, or variations thereof, was submitted by individuals or entities.

Dear SEC,

Please adopt SR-NASDAQ-2020-081 to advance board diversity and enhance transparency of diversity statistics through new proposed listing requirements.

I am relying on returns from my portfolio of investments in publicly traded companies to retire. A study found that every incremental percentage point in African American and Hispanic representation is linked with a 3% point increase in revenues. This could generate an additional $300 - $370 billion each year if racial/ethnic diversity of tech companies’ workforces reflected that of the talent pool. The study also found that closing the gap in female leadership representation could boost enterprise value by $320-$390 billion across the sector. Research also shows that improving diversity could add 1.2-1.6% to national GDP.

Change comes from the very top. Because almost every company is evolving into a tech company, SR-NASDAQ-2020-081 just makes good financial sense. There should be absolutely no hesitation about adopting SR-NASDAQ-2020-081 to advance board diversity and enhance transparency of diversity statistics through new proposed listing requirements.
