Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2020-081
From: alex magid
Affiliation: private investor .

December 10, 2020

I think they can only recommend following this rule, they can't enforce it or making it a must-have,

I don't think the stock exchange can dictate a company how to conduct their business and whom they have on their board of directors ,
again its not for a stock exchange to regulate how company should run, and whats going on inside of the company , and how many people of what color and race they need to have its not there business, thay need to worrry about how well trading going on and make sure that company listed provide reports about company financial health , THEY CANT GET INVOLVED IN RACE OR GENDER ISSUES ITS A ROLE OF THE UNITED STATES GOV. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTIC FOR EXAMPLE , ALEX MAGID THANK YOU